Shiur in KGH Area – This Shabbos: Kiruv Rechokim: The Key To Bringing Moshiach?

Shiur This Shabbos In Kew Gardens Hills Area: Kiruv Rechokim: The Key To Bringing Moshiach?

This Shabbas afternoon (7/14) Michael Gros will be delivering a shiur in his shul titled “Kiruv Rechokim: The Key To
Bringing Moshiach?” There are several hints in the Torah and Nach about the Kiruv revolution, and specifically that it will precede the coming of the Moshiach. We’ll explore some of these sources, along with some great stories of peoples’ teshuva journeys and practical ways for more people to get involved in kiruv.

Mincha is at 8:05 and is immediately followed by the shiur.

The shul is Ohr Moshe in Hillcrest, 170-16 73rd Avenue, (corner of 171st and 73rd).
It’s a 15 minute walk from Main Street.