A Lonely Man of Faith is a new documentary about the life and legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soleveitchik.
This is a new documentary film on the life and legacy of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, the intellectual leader
of Modern Orthodox Judaism in 20th Century America. Throughout his life, in Europe, New York and Boston,
he struggled to forge a path between Jewish tradition and the modern age, an ordeal that frequently resulted
in loneliness. His impact was tremendous but his legacy was complicated.
Mazal Tov to Beyond BT commentor, Sephardi Lady, who blogs over at Orthonomics, on the birth of a baby girl. And a Mazal Tov to Mr. Sephardi Lady.
Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Menachem Lipkin on the birth of a grandson to their children Etana & Zev Hecht.
See the video or hear the audio of Rav Noach Weinberg’s address at the Tiferes Bnei Torah (TheShmuz.Com) Melava Malka on 11/11/06.
Is is Mr. Sephardi Lady or just Sephardi Man (or gentleman)?
mazel tov sephardilady and family! may you see much nachas