My shul features all-night learning on Shavuot and offers people in the community the chance to speak. I will be speaking on a topic relevant to all of us so I would like to invite anyone in the area to stop on by.
I’m speaking at 3:10 a.m. at Ohr Moshe in Hillcrest, 170-16 73rd Avenue, (corner of 171st and 73rd). It’s a 15 minute walk from Main Street.
There are several incredible sources in the Torah and Chazal that hint at the Kiruv Revolution we’re now in and say that it will immediately precede the coming of the Moshiach. I will go through some of the sources, talk about ways for non-Kiruv professionals to get involved in Kiruv, and will give over some great baalei teshuvah stories.
Of course, there will be plenty of (chalav yisrael) cheesecake, other desserts and coffee to go around.
If you’re interested in the topic but can’t make the shiur, you should get a copy of Rabbi Tauber’s Days are Coming. Rabbi Tauber goes through many of the sources. (The book is out of print but you can find it on-line)