The Shabbaton Is Coming!

If you see two guys on a street corner in Passaic with a sign proclaiming “The Shabbaton Is Coming”, you know who it is.

We’ve be getting some very good feedback recently on possible projects for Beyond BT. That’s extremely important to us because the only reason we’ve created Beyond BT is to provide chizuk, ideas, connection and support for those of us traveling along this path together.

The Shabbaton is an excellent time to share your thoughts and concerns face to face. We’ve avoided a lecture format so that all those attending can have time to talk to each other in a relaxed atmosphere. There will be plenty of D’vrei Torah, but primarily limited to 10 minute talks during the Friday Night Oneg , the Shabbos Day meal and Shalosh Seudos. If you’re planning on attending and would like to share your thoughts, experiences or words of Chizuk, please let us know.

The venue is Friday night meals at the host houses, an Oneg Shabbos on Friday night and catered meals together for Shabbos Lunch and Shalosh Seudos at Congregation Ahavas Israel -181 Van Houten Avenue, where we’ll also be davening.

The pricing per person is as follows:

$35 – Adults
$25 – 13-17
$20 – 6-12
$10 – 2-5
$0 – 0-1

We think it’s only appropriate at this point to pay tribute to that master Shabbaton publicist and kiruv maniac from NCSY – Reb Shmulky Gebrokts.

The Shabbaton Is Coming (click the play button to watch)

3 comments on “The Shabbaton Is Coming!

  1. It didn’t go yet, Baruch, it’s on the 20-21st of July. So, there’s still enough time for you out of towners to make reservations!

  2. I saw the NCSY video a few times in the past year or so, and enjoyed the humor; of course, there is a serious message as well(also, hope your actual Shabbaton went well).

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