Outline of B’ha’alotecha

Here’s Rabbi Rietti’s outline of B’ha’alotecha. You can purchase the entire outline of the Chumash here.

# 8 The Ner Tamid & Inauguration of the Levites
# 9 Korban Pesach Sheni – Divinely Guided Clouds
# 10 Trumpets & Travel Sequence
# 11 Complaints-“Meat!” – Quail
# 12 Miriam Complains to Aron About Moshe

# 8 The Ner Tamid & Inauguration of the Levites
* Aron Lights the Menora every day.
* Taharat HaLevi’im – Purification of the Levi’im on the day of their
inauguration ceremony:
* Sprinkling of Mei Chatoz (after the following steps in the inaugoration)
* Shave all hair with razor,
* immersion of entire body,
* Immersion of all clothing,
* Bring 1st bull as Olah, with Mincha and oil,
* Bringing of 2nd bull as Chatat,
* All Levi’im and Beney Yisrael congregate,
* Beney Yisrael place hands upon heads of Levi’im to officially appoint
them representatives in the Avoda of the Mishkan,
* Aron waves 22,000 Levi’im in air,
* Offering of both bulls,
* Now Levi’im are officially inaugurated, replacing the firstborn, Levi’im
began their service from that day.
* Levi’im qualified for Temple Service from 25 – 50 years old.

# 9 Korban Pesach Sheni – Divinely Guided Clouds
* First Pesach was in 1st month of the 2nd year in the desert.
* Complaints from Tamey Met who could not bring Korban Pesach.
* Pesach Sheni instituted by HaShem on 14th of Iyyar for Tamey Met and those too far to arrive in Nissan, eaten with Matzot and Marror, no Notar, cannot break bone.
* Divinely Guided Clouds: Clouds resided above the Mishkan by day and a pillar of fire at night. When the Divine clouds moved, that was the signal for the camp to continue the desert journey.

# 10 Trumpets & Sequence of Travel
Two Silver Trumpets for seven types of announcements: 
1. Call Sanhedrin to session
2. Initiate Journey
3. Gather entire Camp (both trumpets with 1 long Tekia blast)
4. Call leaders (one trumpet with 1 long Tekia blast)
5. Sequence of travel for the tribal formations: 4 sets of blowing:
1st set TK-TR + 1 long TK = E. Camp
2nd set TK-TR + 1 long TK = S. Camp
3rd Set TK-TR + 1 long TK = W. Camp
4th Set TK-TR + 1 long TK = N. Camp
6. Prepare for War & signal to do Teshuva against calamities (Ramban)
7. Moment of offering a Korban Tzibur
* In 2nd month of 2nd yr, B”Y traveled from Midbar Sinai to Midbar Paran
* List of sequence of travel of each tribe and its leader
* Yitro returns to Midian
* The Ark travels ahead of the Camp (not same ark as in K”Kodshim)

# 11 Complaints -“meat!” – Quail
* Complaints of journey for 3 days without rest
* Fire descends and consumes Eruv Rav
* B”Y complain “We want meat! We miss the fish, cucumbers, melons,
leeks, onions and garlic! & we’re fed up with this Munn all the time!”
* Moshe cannot shoulder the burden alone
* HaShem instructs Moshe to elect 70 elders
* HaShem Promises Meat
* Moshe gathers 70 elders, HaShem inspires them with power of Prophecy
* Eldad & Medad Prophecy Moshe’s death and Yehoshua’s succession
* Quails descend
* HaShem strikes many with His anger.
* Place of Plague named Kivrot HaTa’ava, “The graves of the Lust.”
* B”Y traveled from Kivrot HaTa’ava to Chatzerot.

# 12 Miriam Complains to Aron About Moshe
* Miriam and Aron speak Lashon Hara against Moshe
* HaShem proclaims Moshe the most humble person on earth
* Miriam’s retribution, Moshe prays for Miriam
* Miriam quarantined for 7 days
* B”Y travel from Chatzerot to Midbar Paran