Major Points from the Ramban on Parshas Bo

Idolatry and the Decline of Faith – In Enosh’s time, people abandoned monotheism, claiming the world was eternal. Some denied God’s knowledge, while others rejected His providence, asserting that human actions were irrelevant. This led to idolatry, skepticism about divine justice, and a worldview detached from moral responsibility.

Miracles as Refutation of Heresy – Divine miracles break natural laws, proving that God actively governs the world. They directly counter false beliefs by showing that God created the universe, intervenes in human affairs, and rewards or punishes accordingly. Miracles expose atheism, deism, and the idea of an indifferent Creator.

Prophecy Confirms Divine Communication – When a miracle aligns with a prophet’s prediction, it validates that God speaks to humanity. This reinforces the authority of the Torah and divine commandments, proving that divine will is revealed through prophets. Prophecy ensures that people receive direct guidance from the Creator.

Egyptian Plagues as Theological Proof – The ten plagues targeted Egyptian beliefs, demonstrating God’s control over nature, His power to punish, and His providence. They systematically proved that the world has a Creator, that He rules over all existence, and that He actively intervenes in human history for justice.

Torah’s Truth Proven Through Miracles – The miracles of the Exodus serve as eternal testimony to the Torah’s authenticity. They confirm that divine revelation is real and that commandments originate from God. Since these events were witnessed by an entire nation, they provide indisputable proof of the Torah’s divine origin.

Commandments Preserve the Memory of Miracles – Since miracles do not occur in every generation, God established mitzvot such as Passover and mezuzah to commemorate them. These rituals prevent forgetfulness, ensuring that future generations remember divine intervention and maintain their faith in God’s continuous providence.

Severe Penalties for Forgetting Miracles – Neglecting the Passover sacrifice or eating leaven on Passover carries severe punishment because these acts commemorate divine miracles. Forgetting them risks eroding faith and allowing heresy to spread. The Torah emphasizes these mitzvot to ensure that divine intervention remains central to Jewish belief.

Daily Recitation of the Exodus – The Torah mandates remembering the Exodus daily to prevent historical amnesia. Reciting Shema and its blessings morning and night reinforces belief in divine miracles and providence. This practice ensures that Jewish faith remains tied to historical evidence of God’s direct involvement.

Sukkot and Other Rituals as Testimonies – Festivals like Sukkot commemorate past miracles, reinforcing belief in divine providence. The booths recall divine protection in the wilderness. Observing these rituals ensures that historical miracles remain part of Jewish consciousness, preventing skepticism and strengthening intergenerational faith transmission.

The Mezuzah as a Declaration of Faith
– Affixing a mezuzah acknowledges divine creation, omniscience, providence, and prophecy. This simple act embodies fundamental theological truths. A properly placed mezuzah declares faith in divine law, affirms history’s divine nature, and publicly reinforces the covenant between God and Israel.

Gratitude as the Purpose of Commandments – The ultimate goal of mitzvot is to cultivate faith and gratitude toward God. Observing them acknowledges divine creation and providence, ensuring continuous recognition of the Creator. Mitzvot serve as expressions of appreciation for life, sustenance, and divine involvement in personal and national destiny.

Public Worship as a Gratitude Expression – Synagogues serve as places for communal thanksgiving. Prayer is not merely a ritual; it publicly affirms God’s presence and benevolence. Worshiping as a community reinforces faith, strengthens Jewish unity, and maintains the tradition of recognizing divine mercy through structured praise and devotion.

Miracles Prove the Nature of Reality – Open miracles lead to belief in hidden miracles, which form the foundation of Torah faith. Every event—public or private—is divinely orchestrated. The Torah teaches that nothing happens by chance; everything is subject to divine will, shaping both individual destinies and national history.

National Punishment as Divine Justice – The Torah predicts that Israel’s suffering and exile will be recognized by other nations as divine justice. When Israel disobeys, punishment follows, proving God’s providence. This pattern of divine reward and retribution demonstrates that history unfolds according to God’s decrees, not random events.

The Eternal Connection to God Through Mitzvot – By observing commandments, Jews maintain a direct link to divine truth. The Torah’s laws ensure faith remains vibrant, heresy is countered, and divine providence is acknowledged in every generation. Mitzvot sustain the everlasting covenant between God and Israel, preserving Jewish identity and belief.