Great New Organization in Monsey for Married BTs

Chayei Olam – A new organization recently formed in Monsey NY to serve the needs of married Baal Teshuva couples, would like to inform Beyond BT readers of programs now available. For men there is an incredible Sunday Morning Learning Program that includes Halacha, Chumash/Rashi, Gemoroh & Hashkofoh. It begins with Shachris at 7:45 & ends with Mincha at 12:20. Participants are invited to attend all or any of the limudim. The focus is on skill building and yedios. Our goal is to enable our participants to get the skills and knowledge to be able to enjoy learning and hopefully be able to learn with their children successfully as well. We presently have 15 – 20 participants all professional men with young families.

We also have a program for Women (a division of Neve Yerushalayim) that offers classes on Parenting, Sholom Bayis, and Practical Hilchos Shabbos.

For more information or to join any of our programs, please contact us at (845)425-3718 or email