Please Support Queens Hatzolah

We don’t need to remind you…

We don’t need to remind you that if there is an emergency, your first thought
and action would be to call Hatzolah.

We don’t need to remind you that the fastest, most reliable volunteer organization
in the world is Hatzolah.

And we don’t need to remind you that your donation literally saves lives
and prevents tragedies… because that’s the definition of Hatzolah.

We do need to remind you that the most important day of our year is
November 13th – Shabbos Hatzolah.

Whether it’s in Shul, online or by phone, please remember that
we’re counting on you for Queens Hatzolah.

Shabbos Hatzolah – November 13, 2010 – Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei

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