David Linn has a picture blog at Temunot.
Ron Coleman has a politics and news oriented blog at Likelihood of Success.
What do you think of the Passover write up at Wikipedia?
Lots of Pesach stuff at Aish.
G-d willing we’re moving on to the next chapter of Mesillas Yesharim next week, so it might be a good time to re-review the Introduction.
David Schalheim-thanks for the link!
Okay, here it is:
There was a wondeful link to R CP Scheinberg’s Pesach excellent and concise cleaning outline which I can’t find. Could someone post the same at their earliest convenience? Thanks.
It was a very thorough discussion. That only proves that an entry on Wikipedia is only as comprehensive and objective as its author.
Thanks Leah.
Oh gosh, thanks for the link. That was thoughtful.
Good Shabbos everyone!
Dovid, LOVED the pictures!
Ron, I will read your blog when I get a chance, motzei Shabbos.
I thought the Passover write up at Wikipedia was very comprehensive and good. Did you write it Mr. Administrator? I was worried when I started reading, because you never know at Wikipedia. Believe it or not, I half expected to see something about “using the blood of xian children in the making of the matzos.” Whew! Yasher Koach if you did write it.
Good Shabbos all!