What’s Your Chanukah Inspirational Take Away?

What’s Your Chanukah Inspirational Take Away?

a) Miracles are a reality

b) Wars are won through Hashem’s help

c) Hashem always saves the Jewish People

d) We need to show Mesirus Nefesh for Torah

e) We must view the secular through the prism of the spiritual

f) We need to introspect on our Hellenistic tendencies

h) We should always strive for spiritual greatness

i) Our first focus should be burning away the negative like Shammai

j) Our first focus should be increasing the positive like Hillel

k) Even in the darkest hour, the Jewish People always have the pilot light on

l) Other

7 comments on “What’s Your Chanukah Inspirational Take Away?

  1. To Chana Leah #6: There’s even a tie-in with the phrase, “zos chanukas ha-bayis,” this is the dedication of the house, where “bayis” could refer not only to the Bais HaMikdash but also to our own Jewish homes; not entirely coincidentally similar to the phrase, “sholom bayis” referring to peace in the home and in the family relationships. Also tying into the idea of lighting candles in the home bringing peace into the home, similar to Shabbos candle lighting; in both cases, not good enough to light candles in shul, they must be lit at home (this is hashkafa not halacha).

    Charlie Hall #5: If the war is about survival of the Jewish people, then yes we won. Like it says in the Passover Haggadah, “In every generation they rise up to destroy us.” Whether the enemy is named Antiochus or Haman or Hitler or Ahmadinejad, the Holy One Blessed Be He always delivers us from their hands.

  2. Our Rav gave a shiur about the special spiritual energy of Chanukah being tied to the idea of “cleaning house” in the sense that the Maccabees fixed up the Beis Hamikdash, and each year during Chanuka we have a special Koach to be successful in fixing up our own homes- not materially, but by improving our middos with the goal of improving our relationships. There is a certain shalom bayis that descends when the menoras are lit, no??

  3. The George Washington analogy is appropriate. As a military leader, he actually lost far more battles than he won. But he always kept his army in good shape to fight another day. Am Yisrael may also have lost far more battles than it has won. But we are still here!

  4. Chanukah time makes me think about the narratives of the Shoah, about how there were Jews in the concentration camps who secretly crafted small menorahs and wicks and saved bits of margarine for the oil, so that they could observe the mitzvah of lighting the Chanukah lamps. They desperately needed that little light of holiness in the middle of that great darkness.

    Also, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zatzal, once said that the story of Hanukkah resonates with the American people because it is very similar to the history of this country: a small outnumbered rebel band fighting against foreign tyranny. Maybe George Washington isn’t exactly Judah Maccabee, but you can see the parallels.

    Finally, Rabbi Meir Kahane OBM once wrote that nonreligious Jewish organizations should be rejecting the holiday and saying, “Down With Hanukkah,” instead of celebrating it, because of its intolerant message of rejecting assimilation and obeying rabbinic Judaism.

  5. The annals of military history are full of cases where a force that appeared to be hopelessly outnumbered actually won. Chanukah reminds us of who really was responsible for all those miraculous victories.

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