Please RSVP for the Beyond BT Melava Malka

The Melava Malka is one week away on December 2nd at 8:00 PM and it would be great if all those planning to attend would RSVP to let us know you’re coming.

The location is Congregation Ahavas Yisroel, 147-03 73rd Avenue in Kew Gardens Hills . The cost is $5 per person and we’re serving Pizza and Ice Cream. Some people are afraid of coming to Queens and getting lost, but this address is really easy: just take the Grand Central or the Van Wyck to Jewel Avenue eastbound to Main Street (or take the LIE to Main Street). Once you’re on Main Street go to 73rd Avenue and make a left, and go one long block to CAY. That’s just one turn off of Main Street!

The inspiration and entertainment will be a show entitled “Searching for Meaning – A BTs Spiritual Journey in Music and Monologue”, performed by a new friend whom Rabbi Lam introduced to us.

Please RSVP either in the comments or by email at

Here are two pictures from the Melava Malka after the Shabbaton:

Beyond BT Anniversary Melava Malka on Dec 2nd

To celebrate the one year anniversary of Beyond BT, we’re excited to announce a Melava Malka on December 2nd at 8:00 PM at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel in Kew Gardens Hills. So far we’ve set the cost at $5 per person and are serving Pizza and Ice Cream.

The inspiration and entertainment will be a show entitled “Searching for Meaning – A BTs Spiritual Journey in Music and Monologue”, performed by a new friend whom Rabbi Lam introduced to us.

If we can pickup a wireless Internet connection at CAY, we might blog the event live, so those who can’t join us in person, can at least join us in the comment section. In any event it should be a great night and we hope that all who are able to, will join us.

Please RSVP either in the comments or by email at

Happy Upcoming First Birthday to Beyond BT – Looking Back on Where We’ve Been

By Charnie

Come November 28, it will be one year since this blog went live. Undoubtedly, the administrators will have plenty to say about what this experience has meant to them. But obviously it’s meaningful to many of us out here, both occasional visitors and those of us who’ve become the “regulars”. So many times I’ve had conversations with other BT friends, and they’ve brought up an issue, such as how to handle non-frum family simchas, that I know has been covered here. So I’ll direct them to the website, perhaps emailing them a link to an article they might find helpful.

There aren’t too many websites I visit on a regular basis, but somehow, this one seems to be an exception. There’s a curiosity to see “what’s happening”. Is there a discussion going on that grabs me? So I’ve been thinking why I’ve gotten so involved, for lack of a better escription.

It’s unusual to find a website that sort of speaks personally to ones self. Many of the frum websites either are too beginner oriented or just don’t seem to be put together in a way that yours truly finds riveted enough to make that frequent hit. If someone checks my surfing history, they’ll surely see that I’ve followed links from my weekly Aish and OU emails, kept up with the family, and pursued a fascination with genealogy. There’s trying to get a real picture of what’s going on news wise in Israel and some good ole R&R as well, mostly in the form of silly podcasts, because everyone needs to have fun now and then.

Yet, repeatedly I’ll visit Beyond BT. It almost feels like a family, with its unique members. I admit to having favorite posts. For starters, there are any of Shayna’s, and particularly the one Uninspired by Inspired, which is still one of the most commented on here. Among the many inspiring pieces, I personally related to Ora’s article about davening during the Hizbullah war this past summer. There were all those “arguments” about which type of kiruv is best, wherein you can find yours truly insisting that there is no one size fits all. A position I adamantly stand by. David Kirschner hit quite a few high notes, and this recent post created quite a lengthy discussion about “frum garb”, right or wrong. But the winner, not just in number of comments, but in my mind in terms of practicality, is still the one about financial realities of the frum world. This post also led me to Sephardi Lady’s Orthonomics blog(Mazal Tov on your recent baby), where some of the stories were outright heartbreaking. As might be expected, I do have an affinity for posts by other women, but there’s nothing surprising about that – after all, women speak to one another in very meaningful ways, although according to a recent newspaper article I read, we are a very small part of the blogosphere.

This blog made me think (always a worthy goal). It made me very aware of the big hole in my BT growth insofar as “formal” education goes. How fortunate those women who’ve had the opportunity to learn in Israel are! Then I got to thinking – why didn’t I head off to someplace like Neve myself back when I was first becoming frum? And I came to the realization that at the time when I was becoming frum, I was also living in a rent-controlled apartment in a community in which I was growing a lot. There was no way I could have afforded to have taken off for Israel and still paid the rent, and subletting was not an option. Once upon a time I think I suggested having a Beyond BT group flight to Israel. For one thing, we’d get to visit with our Beyond BT friends who live in Israel. And for another, having a group rate might make it more affordable for those of us who are caught in the tuition struggle. At this stage in life, going to Israel is my only desire, and my biggest goal. It’s the only thing that makes credit card debt on a mileage card a bit less depressing then it actually is.

The highlight of the year, for those of us who were fortunate to attend, was certainly the Shabbaton! There was tremendous ruach, and it was so much fun meeting the faces behind the posts and comments. It would be so much fun to have more events in other locations, in order to be more inclusive for our OOT members.

So, in closing let me just wish us all a “Happy Birthday Beyond Teshuva” and keep up
the great job!

Happy 100,000!

While we here on the admin side of the blog are generally not numbers watchers when it comes to blog stats, we do monitor the site to determine if we are adequately serving our readers. That being said, we are happy to note that this week, the blog surpassed 100,000 visitors (and over 293,000 hits) as measured by our Sitemeter stat counter.

One of our close relatives quite correctly says that it’s not about the numbers, it’s about the people. It’s about people sharing their experiences to make it a little easier for those facing similiar situations. And it’s about people encouraging one another to forge ahead on their path towards Hashem. And it’s about people connecting and caring for one another as we work on building the Klal Yisroel that we can all be proud of.

One of the main reasons that we wanted to share this milestone with you is to give our Hakaros HaTov to all of the writers, commentors and readers here on the blog. With your help, may we all continue to learn from each other, grow with each other and give to each other

A Cheshbon Hanefesh at Beyond BT

With Rosh Hoshana just around the corner, it behooves us to review our actions to determine which ones we are happy with and which ones we would like to improve upon. The same holds true for Beyond BT.

A few of the things we are happy with are:

1. With rare exception, the civil tone of the blog;
2. The variety of points of view being presented in both the posts and the comments;
3. The new friends and connections that have been made online and off;
4. The way the blog has been able to raise and present issues affecting BTs and the broader Jewish community;
5. That many people have told us that the blog has helped them with BT and growth related issues and has filled a void.

Some of the things, we would like to improve upon are:

1. Increasing the number of contributors to the blog; (If you are interested, please contact us at
2. Gaining more support and assistance for offline events like Melave Malkes and Shabbatons;
3. Increasing the awareness of the site to all who might benefit or be able to contribute;
4. Expanding the tent of Torah so more people will feel accepted and supported on their growth path;
5. Increasing the awareness that the site is not a monolithic, one size fits all approach;

We want to thank all those who read, comment and contribute to the site and we wish you all a Kesiva V’Chasima Tova.

Project Inspired for Rosh Hoshana

Project Inspired has their Rosh Hoshana campaign underway and they are providing great pamphlets about the Yomim Noraim that you can send for free to your non-observant friends and neighbors.

In their own words:

Project Inspire is a campaign to unify the Jewish People by means of monthly / bimonthly initiatives to share the richness and wisdom of our heritage in simple and inspiring ways.

Our united efforts this year will, with G-d’s help, be the seeds to infuse light, love and inspiration into the entire Jewish People.

I went to the Aish/OU sponsored Kiruv training seminar in KGH yesterday. I missed part of it due to a Simcha, but the hour that I caught was very inspiring. I’m trying to organize an advanced kiruv training seminar for people who are familiar with the proofs and the other basic material and want to understand how to deal with the more difficult and skeptical questions.

Beware of Recent Email Viruses

You might have already heard about this but:

Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!

If you get an email along the lines of “Osama Bin Laden Captured” or “Osama Hanged” don’t open the attachment.

This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel.

Be considerate & send this warning to whomever you know.
Read more Beware of Recent Email Viruses

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz and Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky will be speaking at Ohel Yosef at Yeshiva M’Kor Boruch in Passaic at 7:30 PM on Wednesday night

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz and Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky will be speaking at Ohel Yosef at Yeshiva M’Kor Boruch in Passaic at 7:30pm on Wednesday night. Rabbi Tatz’s lecture is entitled “Ordeals and the Development of the Spirit” and Rabbi Orlofsky’s lecture will be “Beyond Apples and Honey”.

More details can be found at

We Appreciate Your Appreciation

We often get letters of appreciation and we like to share them from time to time to show our appreciation for your expressions of appreciation. Thanks!

Your website is fantastic. I have been chozer b’tshuva for 10 yrs. now. Your website creates a brilliant forum that brings us BTs together to give and receive support for our difficult battles. It is nice to know that there are so many people willing to share their wisdom through past experiences. Whether your beyondbt contributors have been frum for 1 month or 30 years, their insights are so important. We need all the help in the world. Thank you.


Elef L’mateh – Implementing Moshe Rabeinu’s War Strategy

By M. Samsonowitz

When the recent Lebanon War broke out in all its fury, Jews in Israel and around the world were unprepared. While soldiers poured to the front to fight the terrorists attacking Israel, Jews in Israel and around the world watched tensely from the sidelines, opening their hearts in prayer and looking to gain zchuyos.

Rav Simcha Kook, Chief Rabbi of Rechovot, was one of the rabbis who had a front view of the suffering and danger. Visiting soldiers in the north and the wounded in hospitals, he was searching for a way to help those in danger.

He met with the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz to discuss what they could do. Their attention riveted on that week’s parsha — Matos. They realized that the answer they were seeking was right there in the parsha.

In the battle against the Midianites, Moshe Rabeinu picked 1,000 fighters from each tribe, and set aside another 1,000 to pray for their welfare. The prayers were effective and not one Jewish soldier fell in battle. Why couldn’t this same system be applied today? They asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky his opinion for such a program.
Read more Elef L’mateh – Implementing Moshe Rabeinu’s War Strategy

Master’s Student Looking to Interview Women BTs in Toronto Area

We recently received the following request:

My name is Natalie Weiser and I am a graduate student at York University in Toronto. I am currently working on my Master’s thesis. My project is about young Jewish women (18-30) who were not raised in religiously observant households, but who as adults choose to become increasingly observant or Orthodox.

I would appreciate any help you could offer in terms of getting the word out about the project to young women in the Toronto area. The project has been approved by York University and all interviews would be completely confidential.

Contact for more information.

Full Beyond BT Shabbaton Recap

Here’s the full recap of the BeyondBT Shabbaton.

Shabbos started off on the right foot with a gorgeous Kabbalas Shabbos led by Rabbi Gili Houpt. After davening, the participants headed for dinner at their hosts’ homes. A tremendous thanks to all of our gracious hosts for housing and sharing meals with our participants.

Although it was late, and hot, aproximately 50 people showed up for an oneg at the Linns which included an elegant dessert spread and an amazing dvar Torah from BeyondBT contributor and commenter Rabbi Shmuel Simenowitz whose family made the trek all the way from Springfield, Massachusetts.

After Shacharis, there was a nice Kiddush at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel, where we continued the shmoozing that was kicked off at the Oneg.

Shabbos lunch was really a treat. Our over 100 participants came together for a meal suffused with Ruach (again led by Rabbi Houpt), good food, new and old friends and incredible achdus. We didn’t have to talk about what Yeshivas and camps we didn’t go to or whether we were Chassidish, Yeshivish or Modern. We were just a bunch of people with the commonality of purpose of making new friends, deeper connections and increasing our Ahavas Yisroel.
Read more Full Beyond BT Shabbaton Recap

Beyond BT Shabbaton Report – Part 1

Over 100 Jews shared a wonderful Shabbos of Torah, music and friendship. We’ll try to describe it as best as possible with some sound clips of the first incarnation of the Beyond BT Jam Band.

Gili Houpt, Chaya’s husband led a beautiful Kabbalah Shabbos at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel to get us off to a wonderful start. His ruach and musical and vocal talents were evidenced during the entire Shabbaton and added so much to entire event.

After davening we went to our respective homes for the Friday night seudah. I’m pretty sure everybody served soup. My wife, Linda, made a tikkun for my mistake of suggesting that we skip soup by making both a chicken soup and a gizpacho. The Linn’s served Mango soup.

After the meals, we headed to the Linn’s for a wonderful Oneg. To be continued.

The Deadline for the Shabbaton Is Coming

This is the last reminder that THE SHABBATON IS COMING! We had a good logistics meeting last night and we’re very exciting about the close to 90 people who will be spending, what will G-d willing be, a wonderful Shabbos together. If you are thinking about coming, the deadline is tonight.

It is truly fitting that we are having it on Shabbos Nachamu. After mourning the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash as a result of Sinas Chinim (senseless hatred) on Tisha B’Av, we have the opportunity to make some real amends by caring, respecting and strengthening one another in our Avodas Hashem.

For those of you who can’t make it, G-d willing we’ll have other opportunities to meet. Of course we hope everyone will continue reading, commenting and contributing to Beyond BT as we build this very real virtual Jewish community into a place of learning, growing and giving.

Join us by RSVPing to or calling 917 992-xxxx.

The cost is $25 per adult, $18 for 18 and under, $12 for 12 and under, $5 for 5 and under and babies are free. Here is the schedule.

6:20 – Mincha/Maariv at CAY (Congregation Ahavas Yisroel)
7:30 – Friday Night Meal- Group meals in selected homes
10:00 – Oneg at the Linns
Shabbos Day
8:30 – Davening at CAY, Jewish Heritage Center or other local Shuls
11:00 – Light Kiddush at CAY
12:30 – Lunch at CAY – 1-2 Short Divrei Torah, people telling their Teshuva Stories and sharing other thoughts
3:30 – 5:00 – Rest, Walk, Shmooze
5:00 – Shiur by Rabbi Yakov Haber
6:00 – Mincha at CAY
7:00 – Shalosh Seudos at CAY – 1-2 Short Divrei Torah, more stories, more thoughts
8:57 – Maariv
9:30 – 11:00 Havdalah – Melave Malka – Beyond BT Jam Band (in formation)

The Beyond BT Shabbaton – A Shabbos of Appreciation and Connection

One of the recurring themes on Beyond BT is that every Jew’s unique pursuit of Avodas Hashem is precious, inspiring and uplifting. Of course, we have a special place in our hearts for the journeys of those who did not have the benefit of a Torah-based upbringing, but nonetheless persevered to make Torah the driving force in their lives.

It is against that backdrop that we are encouraging you to join us for the Beyond BT Shabbaton where we will share our challenges, victories and inspirational thoughts as we truly focus on the greatness of every Jew. We are encouraging everybody who wishes, to share part of their story (in 10 minute slices) and in the process help us create deeper respect, appreciation and connection with one another and have a lot of fun in the process.

So please join us by RSVPing to or calling 917 992-xxxx.

We have one slight scheduling change. We are encouraging people to arrive in KGH in time to make the 6:20 PM Mincha minyan at Congregation Ahavas Yisroel with the Friday night meals (with soup) beginning at around 7:30 PM. This way we can have a leisurely meal and still head over to the Linns at around 10:00 PM for an Oneg. If you can’t make it that early, let us know and we will make alternative Friday night meal arrangements.

The cost is $25 per adult, $18 for 18 and under, $12 for 12 and under, $5 for 5 and under and babies are free.

6:20 – Mincha at CAY (Congregation Ahavas Yisroel)
7:30 – Friday Night Meal- Group meals in selected homes
10:00 – Oneg at the Linns
8:30 – Davening at CAY, Jewish Heritage Center or other local Shuls
11:00 – Kiddush at CAY
12:30 – Lunch at CAY – 1-2 Short Divrei Torah, people telling their Teshuva Stories and sharing other thoughts
3:30 – 5:00 – Rest, Walk, Shmooze
5:00 – Shiur by Guest Speaker
6:00 – Mincha at CAY
7:00 – Shalosh Seudos at CAY – 1-2 Short Divrei Torah, more stories, more thoughts
8:57 – Maariv
9:30 – 11:00 Havdalah – Melave Malka – Beyond BT Jam Band (in formation)

The Shabbaton is Coming – And We Hope You’ll Be Joining Us

The Beyond BT Shabbaton is scheduled for Shabbos Nachamu (August 4-5), in Kew Gardens Hills and we would really love for you to join us. The focus of the Shabbaton is connecting with our fellow Jews, face to face. We want people to develop a deeper appreciation of each other and take a small step towards creating the tight knit and truly caring Jewish community that we all desire.

We want to emphasize that all Jews, be they BTs, FFBs, Partially Observant or Non Observant, are encouraged to join us.

The program will be centered around people telling their own stories and sharing other thoughts in short 5-7 minute chunks throughout the communal meals. Everybody is encouraged to share, but if that’s not your thing, that’s fine too. We’re also going to try to arrange the meals so that people will sit with and have the opportunity to converse with the greatest number of people.

It is very important that we have your reservations as soon as possible so that we can properly arrange for housing and catering.

Here’s the preliminary itinerary. Let us know what you think.

7:20 – Mincha at CAY (Congregation Ahavas Yisroel)
8:30 – Friday Night Meal- Group meals in selected homes
10:15 – Oneg at the Linns

8:30 – Davening at CAY, Jewish Heritage Center or other local Shuls
11:00 – Kiddush at CAY
12:30 – Lunch at CAY – 1-2 Short Divrei Torah, people telling their Teshuva Stories and sharing other thoughts
3:30 – 5:00 – Rest, Walk, Shmooze
5:00 – Shiur by Guest Speaker (two very good prospects but waiting for a final committment)
6:00 – Mincha at CAY
7:00 – Shalosh Seudos at CAY – 1-2 Short Divrei Torah, more stories, more thoughts
8:57 – Maariv
9:30 – 11:00 Havdalah – Melave Malka – Beyond BT Jam Band (in formation)

The cost is $25 per adult, $18 for 18 and under, $12 for 12 and under, $5 for 5 and under and babies are free.

Please join us. It should be a great time. Please email us at to let us know
you’re coming and with any scheduling recommendations.

Shabbos Nachamu Shabbaton Update

Here is the latest update on our Shabbos Nachamu Shabbaton. Most importantly we have managed to slash prices:

$25 – Adults
$18 – 18 and Under
$12 – 12 and Under
$5 – 5 and Under

Friday night meals will be at the host houses and we will be having Shabbos Lunch, Shalosh Seudos and Melave Malka together.

This is a tremendous opportunity to deepen the connections we have made reading, writing and growing together at Beyond BT. We really hope that everybody in the metropolitan area who does not already have plans for that Shabbos will join us.

If you are planning on attending or considering it, please comment below or email us at so we can start planning properly.

Slashing Shabbaton Prices and Torah Links

Due to the wonders of our web based community, we’re already getting some good feedback on the Shabbaton. We’re working on ways to slash the prices and to create a structure that is focused on meeting people and facilitating great discussions. If you’re even thinking of coming, please comment or email so we can start to plan appropriately.

Rabbi Dovid Schwartz has a great Dvar Torah on Remembering Miriam.

This week’s Internet Parsha Sheet was produced by Efraim Goldstein.

We’re reposting the links to R’ Yaakov Astor and R’ Yonason Goldson over on Aish, since they have a lot of great stuff on the second perek of Pirkei Avos. (And because we think the world of the both of them.)