I had the pleasure of hosting Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller for lunch and dinner yesterday as she visited Kew Gardens Hills on the tail end of her 2 week US tour. In her “to the heart of the matter” style, she commented that conformity cuts you off from your past, while non-conformity cuts you off from your community. We will G-d willing hear more wisdom from Rebbetzin Heller in the coming months.
Today we’re running another guest contributor piece from Rabbi Yakov Horowitz. As you might know, Rabbi Horowitz serves as Menahel (Dean) of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, is the founder and Program Director of Agudath Israel’s Project Y.E.S., which assists at-risk teens and their families, and is one of the leading community advocates for providing the infrastructure necessary to support BTs throughout the entire lifecycle.
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